4 definitions by BERRY817

Hell yeah, I could use a drink or twenty. Let's do some elbow bending!
by BERRY817 October 25, 2010
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1. To drink a lot of adult beverages

2. The repetitive motion of bending your elbow to bring a drink, adult beverages to your lips.

3. To get shitfaced.
1."How you feeling this morning?"
"Ya, an elbow bending party can really take a toll on you the next day."

2. It's Friday! You ready to do some elbow bending?
by BERRY817 October 25, 2010
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1. A douchebag of monsterous proportions. The king of all douchebags. One who is a terror to coworkers, partners and family for his douchebaggery ways. Generally unliked by his peers for behavior unsuitable for humane society.

2. An asshat man who cheats on his wife with you. Then leaves her for you and then returns to his wife six weeks later. Then the cycle repeats, multiple times.
Jesse wants me to take him back after he has gone back and forth between his wife and I...six times! What a Douchezilla!
by BERRY817 October 21, 2010
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1. Acronym for Gay Not Gay

2. A term used to refer to a man/woman of questionable heterosexuality.

3. A man whom by all outward appearences and mannerisms seems to be homosexual yet enjoys having sex with women.
1. GNG just complimented me on my dress and said it was "Cute." Are you sure he's not gay or in the closet?

2. A GNG might say something like " I just love to wake up in the morning and listen to Barbara Streisand while I make love to my girlfriend."

3. Another saying by a GNG "God, I LOOVE this Linda Ronstadt song! Whoa, I'd like to eat tofu off of her ass!"
by BERRY817 October 25, 2010
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