2 definitions by BBC News, Clayland

The information about the newest elements found in the sussy baka lab in Area 52, has now been leaked. Recently, EDP 445 went to the site looking for cupcakes, but returned with a test tube of Obamium. The sample was sent to The Flat Earth Association for further study. Though nothing much has been known of it, the people of the association suggest that Obamium could show us the secret about the last name of President Obama. EDP was diagnosed with ligma just after 3 weeks of the "Area 51" incident. The people of the association also claim that the element reveals its texture after being exposed to UV ray. The government has warned the association for further research about the element and has asked the test tube back but after negotiations with the "uwu" community, it backed down. Now, the association has also claimed that the element is potentially the main reason that the "Area 51" was so secretive so there is much to this element. Whatever Obamium is, for whatever reason it was kept so secret, no one can help but wonder about the beauty of this godlike thing.
Obamium was sent by the heavens to us to uncover the biggest mysteries of all time.

-Mahatma Gandhi CEO of The Flat Earth Association
by BBC News, Clayland May 29, 2022
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pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis refers to a phenomenon in which a ultra microscopic volcano gets infected by pneumonia due to excess amount of sillicon in its diet. It may sneeze too that causes the volcano to erupt. It has been verified by scientists that pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is one of the major reasons for volcanic eruptions.
thats a heck of a long word:
by BBC News, Clayland March 11, 2023
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