2 definitions by B3NG4L1 4 L1F3

Statics show that he is the most unpopular president in American History. only 29% of this country like him. Turned America into a wealthy beacon of light and hope for the world into a drowning in debt, falling ecomnomy, most hated country in the world. Did his best to make minorities such as muslims look bad.
George W. Bush is proof that we are related to monkies and elves.
by B3NG4L1 4 L1F3 May 24, 2008
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Statics show that he is the most unpopular president in American History. only 29% of this country like him. Turned America into a wealthy beacon of light and hope for the world into a drowning in debt, falling ecomnomy, most hated country in the world. Did his best to make minorities such as muslims look bad.
George W. Bush is proof that we are related to monkies and elves.
by B3NG4L1 4 L1F3 May 24, 2008
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