1 definition by B. Pantsless

a term used to indicate agreement in conversation that the listener is not really all that interested in

also can be used to indicate slight discust in topic of conversation or subject,

is the common correct reply to someone who says 'all-righty'
polite boredom
person one : "blah blah blah world of warcraft"
person two : righty oh.

discust -

person one : yeah, took a big shit this morning, it was kinda red in colour, must have been that half tub of tomato paste i ate with cornchips for dinner last night.. .
person two - 'righty oh.'

on the phone (fun game to play)
person one : just confirming that appointment tomorrow"
person two: 'alrighty then,'

person one: righty oh, see you then.
by B. Pantsless July 10, 2011
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