2 definitions by Bértha BigLötts

The act of burdening someone by demanding they observe you dance a particular type of danced called "the nae nae".
"Hey, Brock...Brock...Brock...hey...hey...hey Brock...Brock...Brock..", "WHAT!?", "...now...watch me whip, watch me nae nae..".

That was the last time anyone ever saw Steven alive, as well as the last time Brock tasted sweet, sweet freedom.

Do you or someone you know suffer from a compulsive need for others to observe you whip and nae nae? Seek help today, you may just save a life.
by Bértha BigLötts June 3, 2016
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The act of eating your lover's ass hole so gratuitously and with such vigor, a comparison could be made between said ass hole and grocery products.
"Tom Cruise makes sad, powty faces if I don't eat it like groceries before going for walks in the park"-John Travolta
by Bértha BigLötts June 3, 2016
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