1 definition by B&W Spiral

November 15th. This holiday celebrates the life (and death) of Unus Annus, a very special Youtube channel started by Mark Edward Fischbach aka Markiplier and Ethan “The Meat Man” Nestor aka Crankgameplays.

On this day, Mark and Ethan Uploaded the first video to the channel, titled Unus Annus.

This holiday can be celebrated by wearing merch, making and sharing Fanart, sharing memories of the channel and greeting fellow members by putting your fingers together while extended and saying, “Memento Mori”, the channel’s catchphrase.
Friend 1:Hey, did you know it’s National Unus Annus Day?
Friend 2: No I didn’t! Memento Mori. Mark is a masochist. *does the dance of Italy while singing the Disclaimer Song*
by B&W Spiral November 14, 2020
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