3 definitions by Artistic artuggo

Mexican saying where a man (or women idk) jerks it off while taking a shit.
Oh man, yesterday I was taking a shit and saw this girl’s Instagram and had to pull out a chaquicaca.
by Artistic artuggo June 2, 2023
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An orgy between music genres. A playlist with a mix of different genres in it.
My music is just an orgenre.
My playlist is basically an orgenre.
by Artistic artuggo April 12, 2022
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A Mexican common saying meaning that If you drink on Monday you drink all week. In spanish in rhymes: Ley gitana- Si tomas en lunes... tomas toda la semana.

If you drink alcohol on Monday the gypsy law requires you to drink alcohol all week, otherwise a curse will fall upon you and no one wants a gypsy curse.
- Oh man, I'm so drunk right now
- Dude, it's Tuesday what the fuck?
- Yeah bro but I drank yesterday and you know what the gypsy law says... if you drink on monday you drink all week. Hold my beer bro *pukes on himself*

- Hey dude! Let's go grab a beer

- Dude, no, be careful. Today is Monday.
-So what bro?! Let's get shitfaced

- No dude, I don't mess around with the gypsy law. If you drink on Monday you have to drink all week or a gypsy curse will fuck you up and I don't want my kids to be born with bad luck.
by Artistic artuggo May 2, 2022
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