1 definition by April Gemstone

An Isaac is a sarcastic, witty soul who enjoys sports and video games. He is effortlessly intelligent and gains the anonymous admirations of many. With a passion for Bitmojis and horoscopes, this boy will leave you wishing for more. Kind eyes and milk chocolate colored hair complete his masterpiece of a face. His body is beyond compare with strong muscles and gentle hands. With a secret musical passion, you would never know it but he writes songs in his free time. He is kind and helps his friends when they are in need. He is easily annoyed but does not hold grudges and is quick to forgive. Hold on to those big strong hands and never forget that milky hair. HIs voice will soothe you to sleep as you doze off to dreams about him serenading you. If you find an Isacc NEVER say goodbye, hold on. Tight.
April: "Did you see Isaac sitting next to me in Chemistry?"
Violet:"OMG, yes! His milk chocolate colored hair was flowing and his kind eyes were bearing into you!"
April:"I know! And did you see his strong, gentle hands?!"
by April Gemstone July 12, 2018
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