1 definition by AnonymouslyPredicted

Sajid is a man who likes to be respected, he cares about first impressions, and will go out of his way to show people the good in him. Sometimes he’ll go too far out of the way. Sajid likes to have a good time with friends as long as he knows he has control over an environment. Sajid usually in social environments likes to be socially ranked at the top. He has a passion for women that most guys can’t pretend to have. Sajid is very attractive, witty, sarcastic, hopeful, encouraging, and loving. Usually is in peak physical condition. Loves the outdoors, loves exploring new places, things, music. Overall a great person but he has his own inner flaws.
“Hey! That’s Sajid, we should see what he’s doing tonight he’s so interesting”
“When I didn’t know I was in the right relationship Sajid helped me see the truth

Who knows where he is, Sajid is always doing something adventurous
by AnonymouslyPredicted January 2, 2019
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