1 definition by Animal lover 123

Katherine - noun

Katherine is a keeper! She is a mix of the best qualities! Only problem is she is hard to get. Katherine's are normally shorter than average but make it up in spirit! Katherines are geniuses and often ace every test! They obsess over animals and always want to talk about what they did at horseback riding last weekend! They are shy around new people and never want to draw attention to themselves. Around people she may seem very quiet and shy but with her friends she is the life of the party! They normally have bright blue eyes that you notice the moment you see her! Katherine always knows how to make people smile! All the teachers love her but most people don't know she exists. Katherine is often bullied and rarely is confident enough to stand up for herself. But when it comes to others she will always have their back. Katherines are small, innocent, and sensitive and if will normally need to be protected from others. She is pure and never understands dirty jokes. She is shy and it takes a lot to become her friend, if you are mean to her she will hide away and take it very badly.
Me: Ugg! I bombed this test!

Katherine: What did you get?

Me: 87!

Katherine: that's not that bad!

Me: what did you get?

Katherine: (mumbles) 110...

Me: of course!
by Animal lover 123 May 7, 2017
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