1 definition by Angelo a.k.a. Gelo

(NOUN) An aspiring artist of music. He speaks in a F.O.B. manner (Filipino on Bacation) on accident sometimes. He is too tall for his own good because he keeps injuring his most precious of limbs and cries about it all day long. sometimes. maybe. I dunno anymore.. Jrow is an inspiring individual of multiple talents: An exceptionally convincing tagalog accent, a Chris Brown impersonator (impersonator in the sense that the vocal talent is present but the money is not because the both of us are frugal flips that eat melted jellybeans and/or gummi bears for fun and that is all we can afford), a hip hop dancer but unlike the other kids because the way we do it is by making "hop" a little cooler or "more hip" by playing Chris Brown tunes during hopscotch hence hip hop{scotch}.
-Jrow, what have you been up to lately?
-Oh I melted Jellybeans outside so that I can play with the squishiness..
- O_o
by Angelo a.k.a. Gelo July 11, 2008
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