13 definitions by America is the bad place

People in other countries watching the United States like it's a reality show and perceiving it to be like the movie 'Starship Troopers'
"The Starship Trooman Show has been crazy recently. Military recruiters have been hanging out in high school cafeterias and convincing children, behind their parents' back, to enlist so that they can qualify for the healthcare & affordable education benefits that every person in almost every other wealthy nation receives automatically."
by America is the bad place October 17, 2021
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When you finish second but are given first prize anyway. Inspired by Donald Trump receiving 2.1% fewer votes than Hillary Clinton but being given the presidency as a participation trophy.
Christopher Columbus is often accredited as the first European to step foot in the Americas. However, this is just a Par-Trump-cipation Trophy as the Viking, Leif Erikson, established a settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland some 500 years before Columbus left Europe
by America is the bad place October 17, 2021
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Americans who have refused to get the Covid vaccine because of brainwashing by Q. By doing so, they are acting as a control group in a uniquely American experiment, watched on by the rest of the world.
The Qontrol Group's high death rates helped the world to see the effectiveness of the covid vaccines
by America is the bad place October 17, 2021
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A Donald Trump supporter who has uncontrolled outbursts of anger and frustration in relation to the 2020 election results. Usually coupled with claims of the election being rigged.
Ignore grandad, he's just being a Tantrumper. He won't be shouting about 2020 much longer though, because Fox News has made up the critical race theory issue for racists to be angry about, and he really struggles to focus on two things at once, these days.
by America is the bad place November 7, 2021
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The state of Texas, when defined by its quality as a state, rather than the quantity of stars on its flag
The One Star State is doing that Handmaid's Tale stuff again
by America is the bad place November 1, 2021
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When an American child speaks their first words of nationalistic indoctrination.

Inspired by the word 'meconium', a baby's first shit
Little Chad expelled Americonium into the classroom, when he said "America is the only free Country"
by America is the bad place October 17, 2021
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