1 definition by Addicted to the Sims 2

the sims 2 is an addicting game that is on many platforms, the most popular being PC. It has two expansion packs out, University where you r sims can go to University and become young adults, and have parties, and Nightlife, where your sims have cars and can go out on dates and go to Downtown where there are many restaurants, bowling alleys etc.

The sims 2 requires 3.5GB hard drive, the expansion packs require 1.5 GB hard drive each on top of this, and the game is slower with an expansion pack
parent: get off the sims 2, you've been on there for 10 hours straight!
person: I'll close it in a second, after my sim meets this other sim..and they chat...and then get to know each other...and then fall in love...and get married...and have children...and get good jobs....and then get a good house...
by Addicted to the Sims 2 January 1, 2006
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