1 definition by Acorns_Bounce!! O(≧▽≦)O

A Gage is the best person ever. Every Gage has a slightly different personality, but they're all loyal as heck and make amazing boyfriends. They have the biggest hearts and know how to keep a secret when needed. He doesn't ever want anybody to get hurt, and is fascinated by the supernatural and loves to be scared. If you meet a Gage, make sure to keep him in your life. Whether as a friend, or something more, Gage will always make your life infinitely better. A Gage is an amazing kisser, and as soon as you've kissed him once, you always want more. With his chocolate-brown eyes full of life, you'll fall in love with him quickly. He's perfect in every way, even though he doesn't realise it. If you know a Gage, make sure to tell him how wonderful and amazing he is every day. <3
Girl A: "Who's that? He's pretty cute!"

Girl B: "That's Gage. Go say hi!"
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