1 definition by A_Emo_Trying_To_Explain

Someone who dislikes, with all sense of self, Emo. It is often caused by not being heard, and not being able to stop people from not following your view of “normal”. (A emo is someone who doesn’t follow the trends, it began as a trend, but is NOT simply that modern day, also related to bangs that cover half your face, and wearing black. Also neon blue is popular with the dark hair, and purple). This pisses of the modern emo hater, as they feel like these people are trying to attract attention, which I mean, isn’t that why you scream at us to screw ourselves? (I am a emo, and reading other definitions has got me pissed off, to piss you all off I WONT be cutting myself, cause that’s only a select few Emos) I hope this definition of Emo Hater has explained a bit, and the parts on the definition of emo is to explain background knowledge of what they hate.
That man over there, I heard him talking about us, he is a real emo hater...
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