1 definition by AOL will go to hell

I fucking hate aol!


when i had it i thought it was the best ISP ever until it crashed all the time and slowed down my computer. it takes like 2 minutes just to connect. and they added so many shitty spyware to my computer that they fucking broke the DNS. i couldn't be online for like 20 days trying to figure out what was wrong i tried canceling my account but they still charged me like $60 bucks, instead of $23! and they said if you cancel in less then 50 days you wont be charged. they do anything they can to make you stay with them as your ISP. they even beg if you want a netscape as your new ISP(which is another internet service made by AOL)

they are total liars
i hope the people who work at AOL live terrible lives cause they deserve it for working for a shitty company that wants your money
by AOL will go to hell July 2, 2005
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