2 definitions by A boarder

Snowblades are small twin tipped ski's. To use requires no skill, style or consideration of other slope users.

A bit like rollerblading on snow with the same annoying characters doing the "sport".

The most fun to be had is to cut the little f@#kers up and watch them face plant whilst going past on your propper sized snowboard or skis.

Look at that snowblader falling on his arse... oh he got up, and he fell over again, and he got up again, and he fell over again, etc etc etc etc.
by A boarder November 24, 2005
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that feelin of sex when u cop a fresh new shamrock shake from mc dicks on st patty's day
yo i just got a shamrock shake and its a the shamrock kinda day
by A boarder August 17, 2016
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