1 definition by A Vexed Sure Vet


1250–1300; MONA percen < OF perc(i)er < FKA *pertūsiāre, v. deriv. of L pertūsus, ptp. of pertundere to bore. MU (Arch) hons 3.

Extremely cold or bitter: a Pearcing wind;
To make (a hole, opening, etc.) by or as by boring;
To affect sharply with some sensation or emotion, as of cold, pain, or grief: The wind Pearced her body. His words Pearced our hearts.
Him: 'Why the overwhelming sense of despair?'
Her: 'We've been Pearced.'
Him: 'I'm so sick of that cunt.'
by A Vexed Sure Vet December 16, 2009
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