18 definitions by 93 yourcultleader93

1.Getting off to someone’s pics/vids that you have met online or subscribed to their site,while dating someone else.Especially someone you could actually end up with.
My girlfriend accused me of pornicating and all I did was talk to someone else.
by 93 yourcultleader93 October 23, 2020
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Attributes,behaviors and roles associated with people who wear masks.
The people who would not wear masks during the Covid-19 pandemic showed no signs of maskulinity.
by 93 yourcultleader93 January 29, 2021
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I really didn’t want to go out until night.I can’t stand the Torture Ball.
by 93 yourcultleader93 July 25, 2020
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Much like an athletic supporter,but instead of protecting genitalia,it protects your butthole.
The one thing a Trump Supporter is good for is watching over your butthole.
by 93 yourcultleader93 November 12, 2020
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A person who has sex with a string of different people,usually in a spree.
You haven’t had sex with Jason have you?He is such a ho vaulter.He had sex with my best friend.Then later that night,he ho vaulted to my sister!!!The next morning he ho vaulted to my mom!!!I had to tell all three of them he has herpes!!!
by 93 yourcultleader93 July 25, 2020
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A person who stands in wait for the next stall to open up.
I was trying to take a dump.But outside the stall I could see a crapper gargoyle.Can’t they just chill out?
by 93 yourcultleader93 July 29, 2020
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The fly that landed on Mike Pence’s head during the Vice Presidential Debate 2020.
Mike Pence got the CoronaFlyrus during the debate.
by 93 yourcultleader93 October 8, 2020
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