2 definitions by 5th Annex

To be told your going to chill with your boy, but he goes and hangs with his girl friend. He either sucks her toes, cuddles, or makes her dinner.
Dude kyle was supposed to come out with us tonite, we've been Phillips'd.

Oh you didn't give your phone to him did you? Your bout to get Phillips'd
by 5th Annex January 30, 2009
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To pretend your actually half your age by lifting alot of weights and attending west virginia university.
Look at the Nibert, he's older than my dad but he's in my math class.

This Nibert's so old Moses went to a high school named after him.

Oh that's just Nibert, he uses a fake id to drink in clubs, it says hes 21 but i saw him cashing a social security check yesterday.
by 5th Annex January 30, 2009
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