35 definitions by 1SPectre4U

Trade name for a utility/agricultural truck produced by Mercedes Benz from 1947 to present. Availiable in various shapes and sizes, UNIMOGs are characterized by their large tires, high ground clearance, spartan interiors, and legendary druability. The name is an acronym derived from UNIversal MOtor Gerat (Universal Power Unit, in German).
Use the UNIMOG to tow out that Cadillac Escalade that got stuck in the mud.
by 1SPectre4U January 22, 2004
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A mixed alcoholic beverage whose ingredients are one shot from everything in stock at the bar. Traditionally the first drink purchased for someone who has just turned legal drinking age. Named for how the drinker usually feels the next morning.
Lisa's still in the bathroom working off the effects of that zombie she drank last night.
by 1SPectre4U October 21, 2003
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Name of the puppet host of a comedy short on the Conan O'Brien late night talk show, voiced by Robert Schmeigel. The main theme of the short sketches usually involves Truimph heaping loads of ridicule on various groups or individuals with comedic intent.
by 1SPectre4U October 21, 2003
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A particularly difficult issue, obstacle, or problem. Named after the equally tricky baseball pitch.
The professor really threw me a curve ball with that last exam test.
by 1SPectre4U October 21, 2003
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The main character's alter-ego in the Chuck Palahniuk novel (and movie) "Fight Club". A representation of the narrator's id, who is mentally and emotionally capable of doing things that the narrator cannot, but desperately wants to.
People have asked me if I know Tyler Durden...
by 1SPectre4U October 21, 2003
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The act of participating in obviously pointless activities as an expedient alternative to actually expending effort to fix a problem.
Signing an email petition to stop rampant crime is slacktivism. Want to really make your community safer? Get off your ass and start a neighborhood watch!
by 1SPectre4U October 21, 2003
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A player in first person shooter type games that seeks out easily defendable places to hide, digs in, and then picks off other players as they happen through is arc of surveilence.
Gimme that railgun you camping whore!
by 1SPectre4U August 12, 2003
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