2 definitions by 1239 0292 qq

Pelagia is a rare name and a girl who you would want to hold close , she is a beautiful kind person. She is pretty popular but not many people like her
Alex - Hi, what's your name?

Pelagia - Oh, my name is Pelagia!

Alex - I love that name! Wanna be friends?

Pelagia - sure!
by 1239 0292 qq November 20, 2021
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Pelagija is a very beautiful name , she has some great personality and is very kind , sometimes she gets in fight and is very loud
Alexander- Hi, what's your name?

Pelagija - Oh , my name is Pelagija

Alexander - I love that name. Can you be my friend?
by 1239 0292 qq November 20, 2021
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