10 definitions by 11redred11

Noun. - A person in between childhood and teenhood, approx. 12-14 years old, mostly used to describe females only. This specific distinction appeared when corporations realized that tweens were a specific, marketable demographic with purchasing power of their own. Now, tween-oriented products such as The Jonas Brothers and tween lifestyle guides like iCarly exist.
I can't believe this generation! I just saw a bunch of tweens with makeup and miniskirts marching into Forever 21.
by 11redred11 November 10, 2010
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Noun. - Slang term for New York City, derived from young white people's unrestrained adoration and reverence for the city. Often used derisively or ironically.
Of course Ron isn't spending the vacation here; he's on his yearly pilgrimage to white Mecca.

Oh my God, you went to college in NYC? That is my favorite place in the world. It's like, my Mecca.
by 11redred11 November 10, 2010
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The tendency of the zombie horror subgenre to become remarkably popular approximately every twenty years, then fade away. Zombie outbreaks have been noted during the mid-eighties and the late zeroes.

So named because the fad behaves like a zombie horde, first appearing as a controlled instance, then escalating while no-one's looking and finally making the leap to the general populace with mass mainstream multimedia. Eventually the fad has no demographic left to consume, and rots away.
Yesterday Isaac spent the whole carpool ride telling me about his zombie apocalypse survival plan in detail. He's totally buying into the current zombie outbreak.

Zombieland, Plants vs. Zombies, The Walking Dead... I've had enough! I hope this zombie outbreak dies off soon.
by 11redred11 November 10, 2010
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