1 definition by -VV <3

A short sweet girl that is willing to help anyone in need. She always carries a smile on her face and loves making friends. Thought her name is very rare but beautiful when you meet an Aide never let her go. She’ll make your day and always laugh at your unfunny jokes. She’s loyal, adorable, and the smartest person on earth. Her smile is addicting along with her laughter. She has high standards in a guy a rightfully so if you ever end up dating her never hurt her because she has a very sensitive side. She cries pretty easily but tries to act tough. She is like the mom of the group always caring for her friends and keeping them responsible. Though she is always willing to help and be a great teacher she also needs to be taken care of. She can be shy but also very outgoing and is also open minded. Aide is the best person on earth everyone should have an aide in their lives.
Aide looks like a hamster.

Aide’s best friend is Valerie
by -VV <3 February 28, 2023
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