3 definitions by -Dr. J. S. Shmurman

A dieseas that effects the flow of oxygen to the brain causing lack of effectivness. Signs of narsinuintitus are lazyness, lack of careing, constent yawning, and sometimes insomnia. It's caused by a server cut off of teh flow of oxygen to the brain at a young age. Such as being suficated in the vaginal canal, or being born with the imbilical cored wraped around your neck.
Damn, that kid has a serious case of narsinuintitus, he must have been held under water as a child.
by -Dr. J. S. Shmurman September 14, 2004
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A political party that bases there rules and belifes on comunism and the worship of the great monkey king. This party was thought of as crazy during the late 60's during the cold war. People saw it as "offensive" and "non-patriotic" and the political leaders involved in its creation moved out of the country to cuba. The first leader of the Monkrunistocomunist's was Fedel Castro. Other people invloved in this party where, John godman, Gary Collman,Steven spilberg, and ofcourse, The Rock.
Jesus frank your such a fuckin Monkrunistocomunism what the fuck is your problem.
by -Dr. J. S. Shmurman September 14, 2004
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the mythological creature that was worshipped by the Mayans. Belived to have brought good luck when worshiped and brought death when not. He was half man, half eagel, half leapord, half jesus. The Mayans did not know that was 200% they had no number system.
The Parsantarman yelled rawr, you are helled, and flew off.
by -Dr. J. S. Shmurman September 14, 2004
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