10 definitions by saint

Apparently an alternative nic of Michelson-Morely. The name is a phononym pun on the book by Ray Bradbury.
This Fairinheight451 has no actual relation to a same-named member of the Branch Floridians, though understandably the coincidence has caused some confusion abong the anti-Morley brigade.
by saint November 10, 2004
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1.) Short name used for "hacky sack"
2.) The goal achieved when every player within a "hack circle" kicks the hacky sack at least once without letting it touch the ground.
3.) Someone who copies, mimics, or deliberately impersonates other people, or other peoples accomplishments in search of praise.
4.) To infiltrate, destroy, reconfigure, or violate any sort of computer program, website, etc. through use of coding.
5.) To stab, slash, cut, lacerate, etc. repetitively until the object or objects are in multiple pieces.
1.) "Dude, pass me the hack."
2.) "JOHN YOU SUCK!! We almost had a hack!"
3.) "Man...Jimmy is such a hack."
4.) "I'm gonna hack the hell out of that site."
5.) "Whoah, he hacked that thing to hell."
by saint March 6, 2005
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