4 definitions by Mr. Pepper

The thing of your dreams. Seen in almost all hentai or school-based anime. This thing can seduce almost anyone or anything including toasters.
Girl: hey boys you want a treat.
Boys: we're watching anime so go away
Girl: but I'm wearing Thigh high socks.
Boys: Owo
by Mr. Pepper October 7, 2019
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A person or animal name named after the princess Leia from star wars
My dog is named Leia
by Mr. Pepper October 7, 2019
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Commonly used by girls in the late 2010s to say either you're too much for them or you're weird.
Jen: You're so extra
Bob: That's the same thing your mom said last night
by Mr. Pepper October 6, 2019
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The official mascot of Otto Middle School, the most statically gay middle school in all of Plano, with its own costume. This position is only offered for pedophilic furries who like to touch children and give a bobcat roar, otherwise known as pure sexual ear rape. Legend has it that the principle created the mascot after finding a masturbating large cat with lotion in his backyard and still roams to this day.
Duke: what's that mighty roar?
Rebbeca: that's Otto the bobcat moaning.
by Mr. Pepper October 6, 2019
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