42 definitions by Tracy

Redneck way of saying "Did you eat yet?"
Billy Bob!!! Supper is out here... jeetyet or do ya want me to save some for ya?
by Tracy June 24, 2003
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someone who is on the verge of being an asshole, but otherwise is normally ok.
Hey, that's my beer. Easy stig, get your filthy hands off of it.
by Tracy September 15, 2004
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Some1 who is ova ugly
errgg man....dat bredda is OVA buttars u no
by Tracy August 17, 2004
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|>|< says:
note to self: typing in the band name, Orgy, on kazaa does me NO good.
hey hey i want a chinese takeaway says:
by Tracy July 25, 2003
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The act of having an orgasm when looking at someone or something they really want to bang.
Tracy had a full joygasm when she looked at Jimmy Fallon touching his hair and making funny faces.
by Tracy February 10, 2004
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