115 definitions by .

Ie is a badass b**, she loves to eat and watch way to much Netflix. She is lazy, and don’t like school.
Ie is again watching Netflix
by . June 5, 2020
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The biggest hater in the world. He/She will find a way to hate on you no matter what you do. If you buy a CLS63 AMG he will say why didn’t you buy a hellcat instead. And he says he works at a farm but he doesnt even have a cow there
H: Yo look at my new whip bro its. CLS63 AMG sick right
Iknoor: Nah its fucking shit go jump off a bridge
by . April 20, 2022
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when your racist but your friends aren
imma go home and nurn some biggers(the act of nurning biggers)
by . May 10, 2019
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A brand of pop that relies solely on what Coca-Cola makes. Can not invent a flavor of Pepsi by themselves even if their lives depended on it.
Look at all the kinds of Coca-cola there are. Sure enough, Pepsi has that same kind.
by . August 28, 2004
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Version of kleptomaniac, to collect or steal.
That scene kid is so kleptic with her mass ammounts of sunglasses and necklaces.
by . December 20, 2007
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Its origin lies in internet message boards. The term "dola" means to flagrantly post multiple times in a row (or even reply to your own message). It is widely believed that the intent of these "dola" posts is not to add any content to the subject of discussion, but instead to inflate the post count of the person posting the repeated messages. The term dola is not used in the actual action, but instead refers to the action itself.
<first message> Did you see that game last night? <very next message> Last night's game was the bomb! <very next message> So, did anyone watch or am I all alone here?
by . February 27, 2004
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A leet Art Group, No newbies allowed
"This stuff is good enought for Alloy
by . August 9, 2003
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