1 definition by 😊unknown girl

Jonathan is an amazing guys. He is so cute and fun to be around. He gives the best hugs and are very loving. They are special, he isn't like other guys. He will show you how much you mean to him and how much he loves you. He will make your day with the cutest text messages. He will give you the cutest and silliest nicknames that will make you smile. You should try and make him blush. It's funny when they blush. Don't let him go because he will treat you like no one does.
Person one: "Is that your boyfriend?"
Person two: "yea that's him😊 <3"
Person one: "Is he Jonathan😱"
Person two:" yea he's Jonathan"
Person one:" Girl, you are so lucky, he will treat you like a princess"
by 😊unknown girl November 5, 2017
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