3 definitions by ꧁ChocolatCoffee//JustMeAshley꧂

Basically it's someone who gives off this bad-b*tch energy and is fabulous as all hell
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Someone who killed all of her friends by altering their personalities just to get the person she likes.
She's very creepy but we all love her.
She's the star of the literature club, but in reality she's all alone and sad because she's stuck in a "dating sim'', and MC was the closest thing she had to being a real person
"just monika, just monika, just monika, just monika, just monika, just monika, just monika, JUST JUST MONIKA''
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Used to be an alternate word for coochie and meanie, but now it's used to describe someone who's quite fashionable
Amy, you are like- SO c*nt!!
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