1 definition by ♦️Royalflush♦️

Martha is a beautiful gorgeous blonde girl usually having a bunch of tattoos. Very petite and very kind and loving. A Martha will help you if you are ever in need and is very giving!! A Martha try’s very hard and never gives up. Totally a strong and very smart person with a great personality and lovely voice . She loves her family and her close friends. Martha has a huge heart and is loved by anyone that really gets to know her. Always up for a night out on the town but also loves to stay in and chill. Martha’s are hard workers and like to gamble. Martha’s also like Diamonds , Louis Vuitton and grilled cheese! 🤗
Hey see that girl over there at the casino slot she is Martha !!

Yeah she is so hot and has great taste and a great personality for sure!!
by ♦️Royalflush♦️ December 21, 2021
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