1 definition by ♥SECSBPTPAB~Forever♥


Special Education Cock Sucking Bitch. Pineapple. Tourette Power Attack! Bum.

It can be shortened to SE just to mean

Special Education
Person 1: "Neena that girl is suck an SECSBPTPAB."
Person 2: "Right! She's such and SE!"
Person 1: "I don't even think she has friends!"
SE Kid: "You guys are such cumfaces!"

If your a SECSBPTPAB, don't worry you're not alone join the club & get a membership card. We even have a test to see if you are a real SECSBPTPAB & if you are we have a handbook to guide you so you can live a somewhat normal life.

Thank you fellow SE's

by ♥SECSBPTPAB~Forever♥ February 10, 2012
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