2 definitions by Εl Greco

1 : When the act of love is so very intense, that it causes your mind to almost explode.Some popular synonyms are : vigorous fornication, acute sex, extreme coitus, severe copulation, harsh plowing and, last, but not least, fierce lovemaking.

2 : A description of dim wittidness, general stupidity
1 : " So, how'd that date with Jane go?"
"We smoked some Jane and talked aplenty - and then we engaged in Intense Fuckery, vigorous fornication, if you will"
"Dude, wish I had your luck"
2 : "Doctor, what do the results say?"
"Sorry Ma'am, your son suffers from Intense Fuckery."
by Εl Greco August 30, 2016
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A Fancy Bitch is a species often encountered in our society. Most of its members are of pubescent age, although there exist some young adult encounters. A fancy bitch is usually an attractive female and nothing more, at first glance, but to the trained eye, this species is indeed extraordinary. Its habits include shopping. visiting facebook, instagram, tweeter, her space or whatever you youths do, and posting countless useless and identical photos of its nights out, or deep quotes, contemplating the meaning of love, how it got hurt, and how all the males are pigs.

On mating season, the fancy bitch will reduce its clothing, opening itself to the cold, rain, and throbbing sausages, among other things, in hopes of attracting a male. After the poor sod chooses the female, it's his turn to prove his worth by enduring all sorts of torture like shopping and taking photos of heart shaped hand gestures. Once the male realizes the mistake of choosing the Fancy Bitch, he breaks off from his partner, and the Fancy Bitch returns to its other activities, particularly the posting of quotes about the meaning of love.
"Dude, I dated Dana for a while - she's such a fancy bitch, approach her only for academical purposes"
"I so detest interacting with this species, but for science, I shall study her"
by Εl Greco August 30, 2016
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