1 definition by ®️ Urban Dictionary Admin

Numair means 'little lion' or 'little tiger' in arabic. He is very loving and empathetic and treats all with respect and help all when they are in need of help. Historically Numair was the prince of the middle east when the arabian peninsula was in rule of nearly a quater of the world. The Prince was handsome, generous and wealthy, he was famous for his leadership during a famine and war, where he gave nearly a third of his wealth to help his people. The word/name Numair also could mean affluent and respected. The nephew of the crown prince of Abu Dhabi is also name Numair.Numair is a fierce and incredibly strong man with piercing, captivating eyes. He is quick, wise, and cunning, and will impress you with both his wit and his empathy. More compassionate than others, Numair makes an effort to help people and humanity in general, and has a strong sense of justice. He will never stray away from him morals, and will use his knowledge and inevitable positions of power to make positive changes in his life and the lives of others. He is determined and a hardworker, with a contagious smile that makes you smile in return.
A common saying is "Your having a bad day call Numair", "Need money call Numair".
by ®️ Urban Dictionary Admin November 25, 2019
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