1 definition by ~ Dani ~

Acronym for "Not My Fault, Not My Problem" as coined by the great Klonnie, brilliant goddess in residence at The Klonopin Chronicles. "NMFNMP" is very versatile and can be used in a wide range of situations. For those very special occasions where the generic version just won't do, the more appropriate "NMFFNMFP" (Not My Fucking Fault, Not My Fucking Problem) is strongly encouraged as an effective alternative as well. Legions of Nut Jobs & other Klonnie fans routinely use the acronym, and it will no doubt catch on quickly with the acronym loving masses in this day and age.
When The Gamer spends hours on end glued to his console and then complains that his supper is cold, Klonnie responds "NMFNMP, you should have ate when it was ready".

While listening to her ex whine about how his life is in the shitter due to his consistently poor choices, Klonnie just smiles to herself and thinks ""NMFFNMFP, that's why I divorced you!!"

"NMFNMP, but relax. I got this. Namaste."
by ~ Dani ~ September 18, 2013
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