1 definition by `fuck it ,

Cool caveman music with a fuckyou attitude.Only real punks know the sounds associated with true punk.
It's really pretty undefinable but most people who think they know what it is or how it's supposed to sound usually have alot of wrong ideas about it thanks to Mtv in the 80's and beyond.
punk is all about being yourself, liking what you like, doing what you do and not having to live upto someone elses expectations, only your own. there is no dress code, hair colour or rules to be punk, since punk is about being true to yourself.
^^^fuck an A bud,that's right the fuck on!
People should just be them fuckin selves and stop being goth or emo or metal or black metal or death metal or punks or preps or jocks or twats or what the fuck ever else and just fuckin be cool and have some fuckin respect for one another.
punk is about not bein a punk
think,say,do,be what you want
listen to whatever fuckin music you like
dress however you want to dress
stop tryin to impress others so hard
stop trying to fit into any one particular fucking category so hard as this is the most anti-establisment thing you can do is not let anybody define you and categorize you and label you
You don't have to have a mohawk or tattoos or piercings,you don't have to do any motherfucking thing to fit in with any fucking body
by `fuck it , October 9, 2005
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