1 definition by //...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a very real disorder that is over diagnosed. People with ADHD have difficulty sitting still, being quiet, and focusing on things at length. These sensations are difficult to explain unless you have them; it is not that the person does not want to focus, or that they are stupid. When someone with ADHD tries to focus on something, the thought often slips away, or is replaced by another thought - minutes later they will realize they have lost focus.

When a person who does not have ADHD takes ADHD medication, they get high. When a person with ADHD takes ADHD medication, they feel calm, and can focus on things for the first time in their lives.

People with behavioral issues unrelated to the disorder (acting out, seeking attention, etc.) are often incorrectly diagnosed with ADHD. People who just want the diagnosis so they can get their hands on ADHD drugs will pretend to have ADHD symptoms, as well. This is very frustrating, as it diminishes the integrity of those who actually have ADHD, and require medicine to be able to function like normal people can.

People with ADHD are often above average in intelligence. When they are given medication and can function without a mental handicap keeping them down, their whole lives can change for the better.
Damaged child: Look at me! Look at me! Give me attention!

Stupid teacher: Oh dear, he must have ADHD.

Drug abuser: Shit man, I need some Adderal.
Hey doctor, um, I'm having trouble focusing, and stuff.

Stupid doctor: Must be ADHD.

Person born with ADHD: I don't know why it's so difficult to focus in class. This is extremely frustrating, and I just want it to go away.

Intelligent doctor: Here's some Vyvanse. Take one a day, and you will be able to focus like everyone else can.
by //... February 5, 2009
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