2 definitions by ///( - )___( - )\\\

fuse is quickly becoming shit

it mostly shows EMO queers and that gay ass URANIUM shit!


But NOW they are getting worse and showing all this Mtv "YO RAPS" shit!
fuse is better than Mtv because they atleast "play" videos

But I wanna kill these fucking executives who decide the format for these channels.What braindead,soulless,unmusical FUCK is it that decides to play all this shit?
Better send them all back to bitch school cause they are some dumb cunts!
by ///( - )___( - )\\\ August 27, 2004
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mtv has sucked since they aired their very first video and has continued to suck ever since

it's gotten to the point where they don't even play any videos at all which is fine because they never had any goddamn taste anyways
Mtv is for suckers...

always has been always will be!!!!!
by ///( - )___( - )\\\ August 27, 2004
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