1 definition by "disappointed reader"

Amazing lead singer and front man for My Chemical Romance. Would just like to say that as much as some people like to say - this band is not 'emo'! They are rock. He has even been quoted on this! "violent/scary/truth/rock" that is how this very talented man describes his own band - so please stop calling them 'emo'! And all you teeny boppers that claim to be their "biggest fan ever" and go on and on about how you would love to fuck him etc. you may actually need to have more than just their recently released album - "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge". As much as i agree that Gerard is basically sex on legs - i was a fan of this 'band' before they released their second album and before he got that new haircut and i really dont think he would appreciate all the dirty talk about him - and neither would his long time girlfriend!
Dont love this man and the band just because they are being called the band to watch and you think he is soooooo sexy! Gerard Way is an amazing artist and is part of a brilliant band and deserves love and respect - not teeny boppers that join the latest craze!
by "disappointed reader" September 10, 2005
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