1 definition by "Pij", "Cock" & "Bac'cie"

A West Australian science teacher (Mr Sanders) that had an unimaginably dry sense of humour. His attire consisted of one similar to a 1970's porn star - brown afro hair, skin tight short shorts and a handle-bar moustache. With his wire-framed glasses and pomigramit complexion, he instilled fear in the hearts of many lower-school Rossmoyne children with his constant threat of "yard duty".

His legend also extends to the kindness afforded to young female students who were moved to the front benches, particularly the blonder, bustier ones.
Tyler: *daydreaming while looking out the window*
Colonel Sanders: "Tyler, what are you doing?"
Tyler: "I'm just looking out the window watching the leaves blow around in the wind."
Colonel Sanders: "How would you like to watch the rubbish blow around.....WHILE YOU DO YARD DUTY!"
by "Pij", "Cock" & "Bac'cie" July 25, 2007
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