2 definitions by "Jaguar" Chris Dickens

Anybody But Lakers syndrome

A syndrome that occurs, usually in or around the month of May where a Laker hater jumps onto the band wagon of any and every team that the Los Angeles Lakers face. The band wagon jumping is usually accompanied by loudly proclaiming that the opposing team (and/or its individual players) is the second coming, and a lock to defeat Kobe and company.
Hater: "Denver is gonna wipe the floor with Lakers."
Fan: "Don't worry about him, he just suffers from ABL."

The Very Same Hater, just 10 days later: "Utah is the truth. They're just too physical for the Lakers. Utah ftw!"
Another Fan: Sounds like somebody's ABL is acting up."
by "Jaguar" Chris Dickens May 20, 2008
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Anybody But Lakers syndrome

A syndrome that occurs, usually in or around the month of May where a Laker hater jumps onto the band wagon of any and every team that the Los Angeles Lakers face. The band wagon jumping is usually accompanied by loudly proclaiming that the opposing team (and/or its individual players) is the second coming, and a lock to defeat Kobe and company.
Hater: "Denver is gonna wipe the floor with Lakers."
Fan: "Don't worry about him, he just suffers from ABL."

The Very Same Hater, just 10 days later: "Utah is the truth. They're just too physical for the Lakers. Utah ftw!"
Another Fan: Sounds like somebody's ABL is acting up."
by "Jaguar" Chris Dickens May 19, 2008
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