Moiz is a extremely talented dude he is super nice and chill he will always lighten up the room and make you smile, an amazing friend and at times mentor full charisma and jokes over all perfect
Moiz is so funny im glad hes my friend
by Kelv kelv May 22, 2019
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this guy is a genius. He knows everything. He never loses a fact war cause he knows random stupid facts that don't matter.
Dude i'm going to pull a Moiz and win that debate.
by JinjuProductions April 13, 2011
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A moiz is a person who women are instantly attracted to. Their charm is irresistible and just thinking about them makes their admirers oRgAsm. They are literal gods of sex. Period.
OMG look at that sexy guy over there . He's a total MOIZ.
by Sexygoblin69 September 18, 2020
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an absolutely swaggity dude, incredibly tall, has an awesome cat and a funny voice that can crack really well. can make you laugh, is also very very good at math hubba hubba!
woah i asked Moiz to help me with my math revision yesterday, and dude i passed that exam

Moiz deadass is one of the funniest people ive ever met
by the absolute swaggity January 22, 2019
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This guys hates his life. He hates school and is good at absolutely nothing at all. He is like the weather, always keeps on changing. There are days when he is friendly and days when he is grumpy and sad. When a Moiz is grumpy and sad STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM
Why is he so Moiz all the time
by Whyurban March 26, 2019
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A person who is depressed and is emo. They can be very funny sometimes but they can also be very dirty and dark. They are usually introverted.
Hey look at that Moiz over there, he’s dressed in all black like he’s ready for a funeral.
by esymymann July 25, 2021
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