3 definitions by tmunny127

The worldwide epidemic that is the result of the worldwide pandemic, Covid-19 because everyone stuck at home watching porn, smoking weed, and eating uncontrollably.
"The World Health Organization (WHO) warns of a cobesity epidemic. Covid-19 has created a society of lazy fucks content sitting at home and eating themselves to death."
by tmunny127 April 2, 2020
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Using a perfectly good item to repair the same broken item. Swapping parts from the known good item to the broken item. Often used when repairing complex machine such as an automobile or complicated electrical and/or mechanical machinery.
"I have no idea how to fix this piece of shit. I gotta find a working one so I can Chinese blueprint this bitch".
by tmunny127 January 30, 2015
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When parents need to fuck the shit out of each other, but they can't tell the kids what they're doing so they say they're going to fold laundry.
(Dad) "Hey mama, I'm need to fuck the shit out of you. Let's go fold laundry." (Mom) "Kids, I'm going to go fold laundry." Dad sneaks away moments later.
by tmunny127 January 30, 2015
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