114 definitions by oracle

Large, dual carriageway road with special status (in UK, Ireland, Australia). International equivalents: Interstate, Autobahn, autostrada. No stopping, u-turns, etc. Maximum speed limit (in UK) 70mph/110kph. In practice the police leave you alone up to 100mph/160kph. No speed cameras are allowed on ordinary motorways (eg no roadworks, or otherwise reduced speed limits). Due to poor planning and low government spending on all transport, UK motorways are notoriously congested (the busiest stretch or road in Europe, the M6 through Birmingham, has only 3 lanes each way).
Shall we take the motorway or the a-roads?
by oracle February 1, 2005
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Shithole. Like the inside of George Bush's head (theres fuck all there).
We've been robbed! This lounge looks like Lichfield!!
by oracle December 18, 2004
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Junction 6 of the M6 in north Birmingham. Intersection of the M6, A38(M), A38, and A5127. Most complex junction in UK. Notorious for jams, busiest section of road in Europe.
"Theres a 20 mile tailback from spaghetti..."
by oracle January 26, 2005
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Transport for the very cheap.
Only £1 London to Birmingham!!!!!!!!!!!!
by oracle March 13, 2004
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Something which happens to sensitive MI5 documents (especially WMD dossiers) and gets endlessly discussed afterwards.
BBC news: "Dossier sexed up blah blah..."
Tony Blair: "Im going to get Lord Hutton to publish a report damning the BBC in order to turn it into my political mouthpiece! Hoorah!"
by oracle March 13, 2004
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the most beautiful strong, talented , person you will ever meet if you find her make sure to keep her . Her beauty is enchanting and no one can resist her . she has a heart of gold and the face of an angel. She will never let you down and be strong with you in your darkest hour. She has a body of a goddess
WoW kamaiah is beautiful.
by oracle March 3, 2015
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The other approved model of London "Black cab", constructed of GRP in Tamworth. Favoured by some taxi drivers due to price. Boxy design (looks like a cross between an old volvo and a bus) means nowhere near as famous as the London Taxi. See also plastic pig.
Im not hailing that metrocab
by oracle August 19, 2004
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