21 definitions by onewhodies

a place where the fat spawn, nerds go TO spawn, and cows go TO DIEEEEEEEE
Joe: did you know mcdonalds killed 100000000000000000
cows in the past week/

Bob: shut upppppp
by onewhodies November 15, 2010
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to do something absolutely perfectly
something that is absolutely perfect
Joe: Did you get a good car?
Bob: yup, its a mary poppins
by onewhodies November 16, 2010
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Remember: Write for a large audience. Lots of people will read this, so give some background information.

Don't name your friends. We'll reject inside jokes and definitions naming non-celebrities.
In the boxes above, link to other words with square brackets. For example, booty will become booty.

by onewhodies November 15, 2010
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in which a person will take a special interest in one specific occupation / thing and will pursue that. There are many sub-categories to this word. Such as, a doctor would be a general occupations be he might specialize in gastroenterology. Also used in History / Social Studies class as the term used when (wo)man created civilizations and each person would have a single job, and would barter with other people for necessities.

Bob: Oh, i heard that you're studying to be a scientist Joe.

Joe: Yeah, my specialization is gonna be paleontology
by onewhodies November 11, 2010
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Joe: i swear that kid stole 50 cents from me....

Bob: ill go give him an ftf
by onewhodies November 11, 2010
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an extremely useful website that allows you to download youtube.com videos for free.
Bob: i just bought the new Aldus Snow album on itunes for only 30$!!

Joe: F U, i just got that for free on Keepvid.com LOSER
by onewhodies November 13, 2010
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Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis
2. just facking google it
Joe: i just joined the Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis!

Bob: don u mean jfgi?
by onewhodies November 16, 2010
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