1 definition by aender

A serious affliction upon a guy months after a girl decides they are in a relationship (it is customary for the girl to make the decision, and the guy simply follows suit, see relationship ).

Symptoms begin with a comforting feeling of affection followed by conversations in babytalk-voice.

Weeks later, his presence will cause dissatisfaction, and he attempts to ameliorate the situation by doing what he's told.

The final stage: the pussy-whipping gets so bad (see pussy whipped ) that he can no longer recognize his own sorry-bitch-status-of-a-man. He endures, though, because he thinks there's only one vagina in the world, and its hers.

He is now seriously afflicted with onegina.
"Nah man, he can't hang with us in the City tonight, because his onegina has spread to his empty ball sack and the Doc says it's only going to get worse."
by aender July 11, 2009
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