2 definitions by abcdefghiiiiiiiiabcdefghiiiiii

Paige is a very strong girl, with an athletic build. She is nice sometimes, usually when she wants to be. However she is not the nicest person you will ever meet; she wants to rise above others majority of the time and likes to think of herself of the ‘MVP’ of every sport she plays. On top of that, she will get very annoying once you get to be her friend a little bit more. Paige is very aggressive towards people(especially boys) kicking and hitting them as a “joke”. Sometimes she will joke around and think it is funny but other people think it isn’t and she hurts their feelings without even realizing it.
“Omg paige is so annoying
don’t be such a paige”
by abcdefghiiiiiiiiabcdefghiiiiii December 6, 2018
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