11 definitions by Zi

A species of rodent soon to inherit the earth after our demise
I saw a hamster plotting my death yesterday
by Zi October 3, 2004
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An overly used internet acroynm said to mean 'what the fuck'. Fun to say around old people.
person: dude, wtf is that?
by Zi October 3, 2004
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A way of spelling goth often used to make fun of those who beleive that they are one. Used by people making fun of people who think they are goth.

Used to call one's self goth in a sarcastic manner in order to make fun of poseur goths.
Person making fun of gawth: look at me i am teh gawth i photoshopped a picture of myself in black eyeliner WOE IS ME MY LIF IS SO ANGST FILLED.
by Zi October 3, 2004
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Emotes can be either the asterisks placed in front and behind a sentence describing action to indicate the permorance of that action or a short version of emoticon, which is a face made with the characters on a keyboard.
a: *runs*
b: *chases*
b: >=D
a: *runs faster*
by Zi October 3, 2004
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The video game that spawned all your base due to its crappy translation. It's actually very fun, though primitive and kind of hard once you get into it.
I play Zerowing to watch the beginning because I'm easily amused...
by Zi October 4, 2004
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A stupid word stupid freshmen use because they're stupid.
stupid freshmen: ur a fucktard
not stupid non-freshmen: You're an idiot.
by Zi October 29, 2004
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A hoofed mammal known widely for standing in fields and eating grass. it is also the subject of the myth of "cow tipping" and often used in many different ways for human and animal consumption.

The word 'cow' is said to be inheriently funny, and so cows are used in many jokes using animals. Gary Larson, author of The Far Side, is known for making countless comics featuring cows. Many people imitate the sounds of the cow to seem amusing or to fill in long, uncomfortable silences in conversations.
a: I saw a cow the other day.
b: haha
a: what? I really did.
b: oh.
by Zi October 3, 2004
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