9 definitions by WTMS369

Cook me dinner or cook me dinner woman is a term used by many sexist men when a woman says "The F in men stands for funny" or "Men are wallets"
Emily: KAM, Men are wallets!
James: Cook me dinner woman
by WTMS369 September 8, 2020
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"Red Sus", Blue said as Red gave evidence that it was Blue.
by WTMS369 October 18, 2020
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Teacher: What's n divided by 16?
Everyone else: Wow, he's an Olympic Class Dumbass.
by WTMS369 January 12, 2021
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A bad feeling of sickness, used like this:
"Hey Steve, sorry if i'm not able to call today. I'm feeling like alpaca pussy and I hope we get to talk soon *insert kiss because the real ones kiss the boys* *ends voicemail*

Steve, listening to that shit: What the absolute hell is this man on.
by WTMS369 September 28, 2020
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When you don't give a single fuck about life and you only care about sex.
Jake: *holds up a sign on the corner saying "Come ride the 2 inch train, choo choo!*
Paul: Jake why are you so pussymistic, get a damn life.
Jake: Choo choo, Paul, CHOO FUCKING CHOO.
Paul: Ow my anus
by WTMS369 October 21, 2020
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What one puts as their Among Us username to make it look like this when they get kicked off the ship.
you fool i was/ was not the Impostor

maybe an Impostor remains
by WTMS369 October 11, 2020
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A nickname given to the infamous serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer. You know, the one that ate parts of his victims. The gay one, yeah!
Alrighty Kids, it's time for!
by WTMS369 December 6, 2020
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